1.7 Released
February 19th, 2008
It's here finally :-)
Translations and themes didn't make it, they will come either as an 1.7.X upgrade or in 1.8.
Because it seems I am a little slow to finish stuff and release ;), I will backport bugfixes into 1.7.X releases from now on until 1.8.
Some of the new features:
Sidebar with userlist (View -> Sidebar)
MediaMonkey, foobar2000, MusikCube, QCDPlayer and XMPlay now playing support.
Highlight window to keep track of highligts (View -> Highlights)
You can reorder channels in the dockbar now
Network/Server history
Server based encoding (UTF-8 etc, still experimental)
Automated crash reports
Better windows 95/98 support
The usual round of bugfixes
And lots more, check the changelog.
Enjoy :)
Merry Christmas
December 24th, 2007
I wish you all a merry christmas and a great new year, see you (pun intended :P) on the flipside!
1.7 delayed
December 18th, 2007
1.7 will not come until january/february next year.
I have had some problems with my eyes this past month, but I am gonna get glasses in early january, and then I will finish up 1.7 and release, sorry :)
November 26th, 2007
There is a nice review of AdiIRC at winextra.com.
Check it out :)
Bigger icons
November 12th, 2007
A friend made this huge AdiIRC icons for his Rocket dock.
Check them out.
Gradient, No Gradient.