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IPluginHost Interface

Overall plugin manager

Namespace:  AdiIRCAPI
Assembly:  AdiIRCAPI (in AdiIRCAPI.dll) Version: (
public interface IPluginHost

The IPluginHost type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveIWindow
Returns the current active IWindow
Public propertyActiveWindow Obsolete.
Returns the current active window
Public propertyConfigFolder
Returns the AdiIRC config folder.
Public propertyEditboxOptions
Public propertyGetServers
Get a list of IServers
Public propertyGetVariables
Returns a list of global variables which are saved across sessions
Public propertyGetWindows
Get a list of IWindows
Public propertyMessagesOptions
Public propertyProgramFolder
Returns the AdiIRC program folder.
Public methodEvaluate
Evaluates identifiers in a script line
Public methodHookCommand
Use this to add /commands, you can then suscribe to OnCommand to get data from this command
Public methodNotifyUser(String)
Use this to show information to the user. Show in currently active window
Public methodNotifyUser(Object, String)
Use this to show information to the user. Shows in the specified window of any type. Returns if the message was shown
Public methodNotifyUser(IChannel, String)
Use this to show information to the user. Shows in IChannel window Returns if the message was shown
Public methodNotifyUser(IServer, String)
Use this to show information to the user. Shows in IServer window. Returns if the message was shown
Public methodNotifyUser(IUser, String)
Use this to show information to the user. Shows in IUser window Returns if the message was shown
Public methodSendCommand
Send a /command to a Window, window can be IServer, IChannel or IUser
Public methodSendFakeRaw
Sends raw data to the client IServer, use this to fake messages E.g when you want to replace something in a PRIVMSG
Public methodSendRaw
Sends raw data to the IServer
Public methodSendRawData
Sends raw bytes to the IServer, bypasssing any encodings, AdiIRC is not aware when this messages are sent.
Public methodSystemUptime
Returns System Uptime in milliseconds if type = 1 returns a duration, if type = 2 returns a duration but without seconds, and if type = 3 returns seconds instead of milliseconds.
Public methodUnHookCommand
Remove a /command, you have defined.
Public methodUptime
Returns AdiIRC Uptime in milliseconds if type = 1 returns a duration, if type = 2 returns a duration but without seconds, and if type = 3 returns seconds instead of milliseconds.
Public eventOnChannelNotice
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recives a notice
Public eventOnCommand
Delegate gets called when your user types a command Window can be IServer (server window), IChannel (channel window), IUser (private window)
Public eventOnConnect
Delegate gets called when a IServer connects
Public eventOnDisconnect
Delegate gets called when a IServer disconnects
Public eventOnEditboxKeyDown
Delegate gets called when a key is pressed down in a Editbox
Public eventOnGetData
Delegate gets called when a IServer retrives raw data
Public eventOnIdentifier
Delegate gets called when the command is called as a $identifier in a script Window can be IServer (server window), IChannel (channel window), IUser (private window)
Public eventOnInvite
Delegate gets called when a user on IChannel revices an invite
Public eventOnJoin
Delegate gets called when a IUser joines a IChannel
Public eventOnKick
Delegate gets called when a IUser is kicked from IChannel
Public eventOnMenu
Delegate gets called when a menu is opened
Public eventOnMessage
Delegate gets called when a IChannel revices a message
Public eventOnMode
Delegate gets called when a IChannel revices a mode
Public eventOnNick
Delegate gets called when a IUser change nick
Public eventOnOptionsChanged
Delegate gets called when the user changes a options and the config file is reloaded.
Public eventOnPart
Delegate gets called when a IUser parts a IChannel
Public eventOnPrivateMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a private message
Public eventOnQuit
Delegate gets called when a IUser quits the IServer
Public eventOnRawData
Sends raw bytes to the IServer, bypasssing any encodings, AdiIRC is not aware when this messages are sent.
Public eventOnRegistered
Delegate gets called when a IServer is registered
Public eventOnSendData
Delegate gets called when user sends data to the IServer
Public eventOnServerNotice
Delegate gets called when a IServer recives a notice
Public eventOnTopic
Delegate gets called when a IUser changes topic in IChannel
Public eventOnUserInvite
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives an IChannel invite
Public eventOnUserJoin
Delegate gets called when your IUser joines a IChannel
Public eventOnUserKick
Delegate gets called when your IUser is kicked from IChannel
Public eventOnUserMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser send a message to object object can be either IChannel or IUser
Public eventOnUserMode
Delegate gets called when your IUser revices a umode
Public eventOnUserNick
Delegate gets called when your IUser change nick
Public eventOnUserNotice
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a notice
Public eventOnUserPart
Delegate gets called when your IUser parts a IChannel
Public eventOnUserQuit
Delegate gets called when your IUser quits the IServer
See Also