AdiIRC 4.3 - 29-01-2023
Added new variable $target to message prefixes
Added new sound API used for /splay and highlight sound, which might fix some rare crashes
Added ALT+X to convert a hex value into a character in the new Script Editor
Added "Ignore List" menu to Menubar -> Tools
Added support for RAW 609,597,598,599 on InspIRCd 3 servers
Added gemini://, ws://, wss:// as valid urls
Added option to show "Day Changed" message for Channel/Server Messages Monitor Panels
Added SHIFT + MouseWheel shortcut for horizontal scrolling to the Script Editor
Added Options -> Server option to change the default Serverlist "Connect" button behavior
Added copy/save/clear right-click menus to Rawlog text area
Added comments support in random quit/slap/now playing files
Added visual indicator on tabs with matching text when searching the Options dialog
Fixed channel/user prefixes doesn't work properly on exchange IRCx servers
Fixed Noify list right-click menu is not associated with the correct server
Fixed Edit Variables should not trigger Monitor File Changes
Fixed alt nicks should be tried when nick has illegal characters and is not registered yet
Fixed switchbar size should exclude hidden windows
Fixed very long lines are not drawn correctly in the new Script Editor
Fixed errors should be shown when saving a file in any editor fails
Fixed Media Player buttons can cause a crash when foobar2000 is selected
Fixed CTCP requests which contains $chr(1) should not be replied to
Fixed Switchbar/Treebar should be sorted similar to Nicklist
Fixed changing Treebar font does not update layout
Fixed Options -> Tips has some labels swapped
Fixed Quick Connect doesn't support %Channels
Fixed nicks are not drawn correctly when "Strip status prefix" in Treebar Nicklist is enabled
Fixed resizing Nicklist when autohide is enabled doesn't work
Fixed main window is not restored correctly when minimized to tray in some cases
Fixed prefixes in nicks should be ignored when double clicking nicks in the Treebar Nicklist
Fixed double-clicking channels in Server/Channel Monitor doesn't work when "Show network" is disabled
Fixed \x20 and whitespaces in network name should be replaced with underscore
Fixed options dialog should remember the last tab in the last page
Fixed pasting multi line text into single line Editbox doesn't include the current text
Fixed "Always rejoin auto channel" option sometimes joins non auto channels
Fixed Treebar shortcut order is wrong in some cases
Fixed IRCv3 CAP STS is not parsed correctly
Fixed DCC resume is not working for auto accept transfers
Fixed SHIFT + mouse click in listbox doesn't select the correct items
Fixed some comments are not syntax highlighted correctly in the new Script Editor
Fixed new Script Editor doesn't syntax highlight menus properly in some cases
Fixed some single line script events are incorrectly parsed as multiline
Fixed channel topic is not set correctly on some networks
Fixed main window is not restored correctly when hidden in some cases
Fixed single click to restore from tray doesn't work on the first click
Fixed send to tray on close doesn't work properly
Fixed submitting regular text in custom window Editbox should do nothing
Fixed Helpop command should be ignored in RAW 704,705,706 output
Fixed Monitor File Changes should not trigger during /saveini
Added new(missing properties .csize, .size, .mtime for $zip()
Added missing parameter -n for /socklisten, /sockaccept
Added missing property .upnp for $sock()
Added various hardcoded on SIGNAL events for use by webirc
Added new property .nickcolumn for $line()
Added new property .backgroundlayout for $window()
Added new parameters -FN, -B &binvar for /drawsave
Added new parameters -l, -i for /showmenu
Added missing parameters -keytype,-encoding,-itype for /server
Added missing properties .keytype..key,.itype,.nick,.anick,.email,.user,.encoding for $server()
Added $sslhash(&binvar, p/s) to put the raw certificate into a &binvar
Added missing parameter -z for /bset
Added missing "-1" parameter for active server for $server()
Added missing property .fullscreen for $window()
Added $encode(,r) + $decode(,r) to allow encode/decode an url
Added new switch -N for /echo
Added new properties .side,.container,.panel,.tab,.name,.locked,.pinned,.visible,.w,.h for $dockpanels()
Added new parameters [container], [panel], [tab] for $dockpanels()
Added new/missing commands /dock, /inlineimage, /mouse
Added new property .eb for $window()
Added new property .iconfile for $statusbar(), $toolbar()
Add new(/missing identifiers $cbrt, $log2, $modinv, $gcd, $lcm
Added new/missing identifiers $inick, $isnum, $adiircpid, $mircpid, $inlineimage, $sslhash, $keylparam, $parseem, $codepage, $commands
Added new parameters -C [channel(s)] -N [network(s)] for /inick
Added missing parameter -r for /topic
Added new key _ircdversion for $servervars()
Allow using $rawbytes during on PARSELINE
Fixed /echo -l doesn't work with background colors when highlight entire line is enabled
Fixed $totp(), $hotp() returns wong value with some parameters
Fixed script errors in /debug -i identifiers are not always shown in the server window
Fixed spelling error in /didtok error messages
Fixed $line(), $calias() allow using negative N parameter
Fixed /showmenu -s doesn't work properly
Fixed $wrap() word chopping parameter is swapped
Fixed invalid UTF8 characters should be allowed in all commands/identifiers reading files
Fixed /echo should ignore -switches if they don't contain a valid switch
Fixed /didtok should parse and ignore switches
Fixed $ini() with comment items can cause a crash
Fixed ./cmd, !/cmd, .!/cmd are not evaluated correctly in scripts
Fixed /did, /dialog doesn't work properly with decimals
Fixed /topic #channel doesn't work
Fixed sysinfo commands should not evaluate target channel name
Fixed $read() can cause a crash with some invalid paths
Fixed $urlget() fails if "Downloads" folder does not exists in $adiircdir
Fixed $readini(), $ini() should ignore empty entries
Fixed $*tok() + $*tokcs() identifiers return incorrect value in some cases
Fixed $bindip() doesn't work with ipv6 addresses
Fixed a Nicklist crash during /hop
Fixed some crashes related to drawing broken images/icons
Fixed help icon is not resized correctly
Fixed SHIFT + DOWN doesn't select the last line in the new Script Editor if there are no new line
Fixed /drawdot should look more like /drawrect -ef
Fixed /inick -sN is adding an item twice and in wrong position
Fixed $urlget() should allow using $adiircdir/$mircdir as a target path
Fixed /sockread have some trailing null bytes when reading from UDP sockets
Fixed /socklisten should not populate $sock for invalid ports
Fixed $bindip( returns wrong value
Fixed $input(), $?="" dialogs are shown on the wrong screen in some cases
Fixed /timer -h doesn't work with very long intervals
Fixed /tokenize doesn't work correctly on $null text
Fixed $mouse.x, $mouse.y returns wrong value for unfocused windows
Fixed code after end of curly brackets should be executed
Fixed multi line comments inside pipes are not parsed correctly
Fixed $topic returns wrong value during ^TOPIC events
Fixed /parseline should always show the "Parseline in/out:" message unless quiet is specified
Fixed %var = value is double evaluated in some cases
Fixed /parseline should show an error when using the wrong -i -o parameter