AdiIRC 4.2 - 29-03-2022
Added option to use windows temp folder as inline images cache
Added Treebar/Switchbar right-click menu for "Show Recent Events" per channel
Added option to allow setting Switchbar fixed line count up to 10
Added Treebar option to show window shortcut (ALT+N) on window nodes
Added option to ignore consecutive timestamp for the same times
Added Channel List open/copy links menu
Added Login Method tab in the Serverlist
Added Server options/Serverlist clarification that client certificates must be in PFX format
Added new variable $nnick for message prefixes
Added separate Notice/Ctcp requests Event options for Server/Channel/Private
Added the current active server page to the top panel in the Serverlist dialog
Added the current active options page to the top panel in the Options dialog
Added Debug Scripts shortcut and Menubar -> Tools menu item
Added option to set interval for showing/hiding join/part/quit/nick events from recent active users
Added context for properly syntax highlighting events and menus in the new Script Editor
Rewrote option dialog with tabs for a wider instead of taller dialog and DPI aware
Fixed comments are not drawn correctly in new Script Editor for aliases
Fixed Monitor File Changes doesn't work with renamed files
Fixed multi line IRCv2 CAP lists are not handled correctly on some servers
Fixed update window should always be visible in the Taskbar
Fixed Menubar/Toolbar/Switchbar/Treebar/Options icons should scale with DPI
Fixed Channel Editor remove ban numeric dropdown should be disabled by default
Fixed CTRL + K select color dialog is not DPI aware on some systems
Fixed command line arguments should be kept when updating AdiIRC
Fixed update version in Control Panel | 'Add or Remove Programs' when updating via built-in updater
Fixed Channel list "Get list" button is not disabled on server error in some cases
Fixed some items are not aligned correctly in the Serverlist
Fixed a crash when inline images is enabled in a channel and topic has an image URL in it
Fixed help button icon is not dpi aware
Fixed search icon is not DPI aware and should be transparent
Fixed RAW 366 message is not shown in some cases
fixed a crash when using a broken background image
Fixed some keyboard shortcuts not working in toolwindows
Fixed Rawlog server list should use Treebar selection colors
Fixed saving a new Script Editor file which has been renamed doesn't work
Fixed channel messages are not shown correctly on some networks with &+ channel prefix
Fixed regain nick error message is not hidden on some networks
Fixed drag/Drop tabs in Monitor Panels doesn't work properly in some cases
Fixed some echo-message messages are not hidden properly
Fixed some operators are not properly syntax highlighted in the new Script Editor
Fixed tooltip message flickering when hovering with the mouse
Fixed very long SASL passwords should be sent in 400 byte chunks
Fixed Switchbar border overlaps buttons in some cases
Fixed Monitor Panel header icons are not DPI aware
Fixed changelog in the update dialog is not DPI aware
Fixed default behavior option for new/current connection popup is not saved/restored properly in some cases
Added missing "p" parameter for $bytes()
Added missing properties .major, .minor, .build, .platform, .type, .spmajor, .spminor, .suite for $os
Added a third way for finding correct $gfxram values
Added alt+gr flag to $mouse.key
Added missing parameters -s -w -a -p for /sockopen
Added missing parameter -u for /socklisten, /sockdup
Added missing parameter -z for /writeini
Added missing identifiers $freadex(), $isnumber(), $crc64()
Added new property .value for $ircv3caps()
Added support for key=value caps for $ircv3caps()
Added new parameter -s for /google
Changed $strip(,t) to $strip(,e)
Fixed /window -jN should use max value for overflowing values
Fixed /iline should not add selection unless -s or -a is specified
Fixed /filter -k binvars changes are not updated in the outer script
Fixed /filter -k error should halt the script
Fixed /timer -p -P parameters are not working correctly
Fixed /advertise shows wrong output in some cases
Fixed $rand(), $rands() returns wrong value with some parameters
Fixed /if /while !> and <! operators doesn't compare equal value correctly
Fixed $hfind() should allow $null searches
Fixed /ctcp sends wrong value on some locales
Fixed $tanh() results should not be rounded
Fixed $os, $osname, $osversion returns wrong value on windows 11
Fixed $nick() does not return the joined nick during on ^JOIN event
Fixed $decompress() are not detecting compression method correctly with bvars
Fixed evaluated lines in the Editbox starting with $ or % should halt the script instead of just being ignored
Fixed /writeini should not allow equal sign in the "section" parameter
Fixed /writeini, $readini() does not handle quotes correctly in some cases
Fixed $ini(), $readini(), /hload -i should ignore ini items starting with semi colon
Fixed /hadd, /hload, /hinc, /hdec -mN, the N parameter is ignored
Fixed identifiers/commands interacting with the text area should include messages queued by /fupdate
Fixed /filter -z doesn't work with listbos
Fixed /sockread is not evaluating parameters correctly in some cases
Fixed square brackets evaluating to $null should remove trailing whitespace
Fixed /sockopen doesn't connect to ipv6 in some cases
Fixed /if /while "isnum" operator doesn't properly compare fractions in some cases
Fixed /bwrite crashes with some invalid parameters
Fixed /writeini should always add trailing $crlf
Fixed /remove parameters are not validated correctly
Fixed $regml() is not reset properly on failed regex
Fixed $findfile() returns incorrect result with some file patterns
Fixed $mouse.dx can cause a crash
Fixed $base() should return $null with some invalid input
Fixed $cb(-1) does not return trailing newline in some cases
Fixed /write -n incorrectly adds newline in some cases
Fixed /google search is broken