AdiIRC 3.5 - 30-06-2019
Added experimental option to delete old log files
Added Treebar/Switchbar right-click menu to exclude/include channels when using the "Save open servers" option
Added CTRL + right-click shortcut to always show the Treebar menu
Added option to allow full width right-click menu for Treebar windows
Added option to script user count text in Nicklist
Added separate "Add Channel" and "Add Channel to Autojoin" menus in the right click menu in Treebar/Switchbar for channels
Added ident/hostname support for Set By field in Channel Editor
Fixed IRCv3 "sts" extension is not working properly on some networks
Fixed Identd still responds to requests even if disabled in the options
Fixed default DCC downloads and Logging folders should be shown as full paths in the Options dialog
Fixed some invalid parameters in raw irc events can cause a internal crash
Fixed an issue with Winamp Now Playing freezing the main window
Fixed connections should retry on ERROR unless it's caused by a quit or a kill
Fixed non scripted Tips/Notifications should be ignored during exit
Fixed Quiet list is not displayed properly in the Channel Editor
Fixed Scrolling Options -> Colors is slow
Fixed Max buffer right-click menu should show units
Fixed RAW 005 is not correctly parsed in some cases
Fixed own nick should be clickable in private windows
Fixed changing to/from windows with large text buffers is slow
Fixed restoring main window from trayicon is slow
Fixed windows created while main window is hidden/minimized have wrong size
Fixed right clicking a custom Statusbar item can cause a crash
Fixed channel key is not updated/removed correctly in the Channel Editor
Fixed channel limit is not updated/removed correctly in the Channel Editor
Fixed ":" should be stripped from MODE events
Fixed VLC Media Player/PotPlayer suffixes are not removed from $song on some locales
Fixed changing Media Player from the Statusbar right-click menu should toggle and save/restore "Show Media Player" option
Fixed default highlight color is not working when extended colors is disabled
Fixed select color dialog does not show the proper 0-99 colors when extended colors is disabled
Fixed picture windows does not use the proper background color
Disabled "Create new Certificate" button on Windows 7 since it doesn't have the necessary COM objects
Added Wallops messages Plugin API
Fixed ChannelCtcpReplyMessage Plugin API is not working properly
Fixed installing a plugin with invalid/missing/private IPlugin class should show an error
Extended $isbit $biton $bitoff to work on bigger numbers
Fixed /close -t should not show warning dialog
Fixed consecutive $+ inside evaluation brackets are sometimes not ignored
Fixed constructing $$identifier inside evaluation brackets doesn't work
Fixed $$null should not halt events
Fixed /showadiirc /showmirc -x -r should restore from tray
Fixed $ircv3caps() is empty or incomplete on some networks
Fixed $ialmark() should be case-insensitive
Fixed $nick should return the servername during on SNOTICE event
Fixed /toolbar /statusbar /menubar should have consistent error handling
Fixed /statusbar /menubar N parameter doesn't work
Fixed $notify() .ison .addr properties should return values based on current network
Fixed $nick() with a nick as parameter is not returning the correct value when using a filter
Fixed $chr() doesn't work with decimals and trailing text
Fixed $scon() /scon should follow Switchbar order