AdiIRC 2.8 - 05-28-2017
Added remove ban timer support for except/invite/quiet lists in Channel Editor
Added sha256 fingerprint to ssl certificate dialog
Added option to show/hide Treebar arrow icons
Added extended random nick colors option to themes
Added right-click menu to set animate trayicon per window
Added option to enable/disable animate show/hiding tips
Added option to allow Statusbar to expand to multiple lines
Added option to match a highlight only on a specific channel
Added right-click menu to toggle channel auto join/minimize on join in Serverlist
Added command line parameter to the custom browser options
Added all monitor panel to current layout by default
Added support for ircv3 account-tag,invite-notify tags
Added option to set dcc send/get buffer size
Added a copy link menu item in Url Catcher monitor panel
Fixed some invalid numeric up/down values in options can cause a crash
Fixed Monitor panel data should be saved using the timstamp instead of the timestamp text
Fixed raw 329 is not parsed correctly on some networks
Fixed Rawlog should be docked as a MDI window by default
Fixed set extended random nick colors should be enabled by default
Fixed pressing space key in the Nicklist causes the nicklist to scroll to the wrong place
Fixed main window is sometimes saved/restored with 0 width/height size
Fixed large Notify lists is not properly split into 512 byte messages
Fixed some invalid fonts can cause a crash
Fixed relative paths without a trailing slash is not replaced properly
Fixed Update.exe/Update45.exe should upgrade API file when necessary and display errors when updates fails
Fixed loading away options with some invalid options can cause a crash
Fixed a error dialog should be shown with instructions if updating the API file fails
Fixed copy/paste right-click menu for highlight/nick color should always be visible, and change to custom color item on paste
Fixed the "highlight" color should be selected when creating a new highlight item
Fixed disabling icons in Switchbar doesn't work
Fixed ACTION/emote messages and other features/options doesn't work properly on turkish locale
Fixed some "?" help links is pointing to the wrong location
Fixed tab complete channels should include channels from all servers
Fixed auto away/back should work per server instead of globally
Fixed autohide Nicklist should not be shown if the scroll to bottom icon is visiable and mouse height aligns with the icon
Fixed highlight flashing is sometimes not reset when restoring main window
Fixed undocking/detaching a monitor panel doesn't always give the new window focus
Fixed Monitor panel header should be hidden when the panel is undocked as a window
Fixed Topicbox menus doesn't work properly
Fixed Treebar tooltip doesn't work everywhere
Fixed Nicklist 'Sort by prefix' doesn't sort in correct order when there's +y mode
Fixed all select color dialogs should share custom colors
Fixed CTRL + W/ALT + Z should not close main window
Fixed some theme icons are not applied/deleted properly
Fixed Notify list panel is not cleared properly when removing a nick
Fixed Menu Editor should remember last menu section
Fixed opening channel editor can cause a crash
Fixed KICK/PART message are in some cases not shown correctly
Fixed Channel list grid should save/restore column width
Fixed nick~ is not clickable in text buffer
Fixed fake transparency wallpapers should be resized according to the wallpaper fit option
Fixed Winamp now playing plugin doesn't work for portable/custom winamp
Fixed closing itunes when media player is set to itunes can cause a crash
Fixed urls captures from server lines should show the server hostname as the nick in the url catcher
Fixed sometimes crashes when running through Wine
Fixed Treebar should remember collapsed folder status when toggling folders and showing/hiding windows
Fixed logging into a server with no response should time out after a while
Added new plugin API event that triggers when options are changed
Added new plugin API to listen for keydown events and modify Editbox text/selection
Added new plugin API to target any window with NotifyUser
Added new plugin API to target custom windows with ICustomWindow
Added new plugin API to evaluate $identifiers
Added new plugin API to get the active window object
Added new plugin API to add context menu items
Fixed IUser.GetChannels API should be a IChannel list not a dictionary
Fixed IChannel.GetUsers API is not properly locked and can cause a crash when enumerated and should be IUser not string
Fixed IServer.GetChannels API is not properly locked and can cause a crash when enumerated
Fixed sometimes plugin parameters is null
Fixed the higgest value of EatData from plugins should be returned to AdiIRC instead of the last
Fixed Plugin manager should only show AdiIRC plugin dll's
Added new parameters -luixo filename for /plugins
Allow using nick!ident@host format to resolve host for /dns /resolve
Added new property .channel for $highlight()
Added new property .collapsed for $window()
Added Show on Desktop/On Top menu for /dialog
Added new events mclick/dmclick/drclick for form and tabs for /dialog
Added new parameter -x for /findtext /search
Added $menuicon support for $submenu
Added new parameter -g for /linemarker
Added missing parameter -n for /sockopen
Added missing parameters -nrw [name] for /ialmark
Added missing property .secs for $iel() $iil() $iql()
Added missing parameters -beIq for /ban
Added missing parameter -a for /bset /bread
Added missing wildcards support for /timer -pr
Added missing parameter %var|&binvar for $regsubex()
Added missing parameter &binvar for $regsub()
Added missing properties .gecos .id for $ial()
Added missing propery .method for $server()
Added missing parameters pass,sasl,external,msg,nickserv for /server -l
Added missing event on SERVEROP
Added missing parameters "small" "large" "actual" for icons for /dialog
Added missing properties .name .away for $ial()
Added missing alias /firewall
Added missing switches -p -f -o -c -jn [-j -n] for /server and allow combining switches at the beginning
Added new/missing identifiers $boldify,$sslcertsha1,$sslcertsha256,$mode,$ialmark
Fixed ":" is stripped from RAW 338 and 352
Fixed /bset /bread -t sometimes adds wrong value
Fixed $instok returns wrong value with some invalid parameters
Fixed $chan().iql doesn't work properly
Fixed /beep can cause a crash with some parameters
Fixed /statusbar icons is not padded/aligned properly
Fixed on KEYDOWN doesn't work with multiple targets for non picture windows
Fixed [ ] square brackets doesn't work inside /var
Fixed [ ] square brackets sometimes adds extra spaces and not evaluating $+ correctly
Fixed /showmenu without x y parameters is sometimes now shown relative to editbox
Fixed /topicbox [text] is not replaced correctly
Fixed /parseline should not print to status window during on PARSELINE
Fixed /showmenu Y parameter doesn't work properly
Fixed /dialog "flat" button should only work on dialogs with no theme
Fixed some command parameters are not validated correctly
Fixed {} brackets in menus is not always parsed correctly
Fixed merging menus doesn't work properly
Fixed $gettok() $deltok() $puttok() $bvar() /dline N-N2 range doesn't work properly
Fixed spaces in identifiers is not always properly removed/preserved
Fixed /if /while ">" "<" ">=" "<=" operators doesn't return correct value with some parameters
Fixed /dialog some sclick/dclick/uclick events are not triggered correctly
Fixed /toolbar -zN doesn't always use the correct icon
Fixed $input title is empty in some cases
Fixed $status sometimes returns wrong value
Fixed $ctime is sometimes not parsed correctly
Fixed $utfencode/$utfdecode doesn't work properly
Fixed $input() using the 'm' and 'e' parameter does not include tbe first text in the dropdown
Fixed on MODE/on SERVERMODE should only trigger when channel modes is changed
Fixed $wildtok $wildtokcs parameters is not always validated correctly
Fixed on HOTLINK does not trigger in some cases when changing word on different lines
Fixed $hotlink should include control codes