AdiIRC 2.4 - 20-08-2016
Added option to ignore channels from auto join on invite
Added option to show a line between messages
Added option to use alternative (slower but more accurate) text rendering
Added right click menu to change nickcolumn visibility
Added option to show a scroll down icon when scrolled up in message buffer
Added dropdown item to select any rgb color for highlights and nickcolors
Added menuitem to undo add to dictionary
Added horizontal scrollbar to Channel list
Added menuitem and shortcut to save monitor panel data to a tabbed file
Added support for shortcuts with minimize/maximize option set
Added options to enable/disable fast dcc get/send
Added new keybind ctrl + shift + f and menu item in script editor to search all files
Added option to word wrap script editor
Added "search all" checkbox in script editor and add regex search
Added ctrl + tab/ctrl + shift + tab shortcuts for cycle recent scripts in script editor
Added Editbox rightclick menu to ignore spelling for nicks in channel
Added option to enable/disable mute status in Options -> Sounds
Added option to enable/disable rejoin channels on reconnect
Added option to blink Switchbar/Treebar text
Added option to only show unread message count/hide system message count in Treebar
Added option to show/hide network and nick name in Treebar
Added option to hide channel key from Titlebar and Statusbar
Added support for xdcc links
Added option to show a tip message when selecting text from the message buffer
Added ctrl+shift+g keybind and menuitem in script manager to go to character position
Added ctrl+shift+t keybind and menuitem in script manager to restore the last unloaded script(s)
Added shift + click Titlebar minimize icon keybind
Added global highlight sound/tips/flash options and allow reference regex result from highlight run command
Added alias menu in script editor
Added new/missing Ignore/Notify/Address book option for Nick colors and Nick icons
Added custom window font weight option to Treebar
Added bomi and mpv nowplaying support
Added ctrl + e keybind to show a choose emoticons popup
Added option to autohide scrollbar in textview and Nicklist
Added all missings font settings to themes
Added option to show dcc transfer progress in taskbar icon
Added apply theme dialog to allow only apply some settings
Added help button in options and other dialogs
Added shift + up/down keybind in Serverlist to move network up/down
Added option to log nickcolumn char
Added option to use dcc through proxy
Added search text hint in Options and Serverlist searchbox
Added missing keybinds alt + n/alt + u/alt + d/alt + p
Added option to allow embed background images/icons/emoticons/nick colors/scripts with themes
Allow pressing shift when pressing "Connect/Connect in a new window" in the Serverlist to just open the server window
Allow CTRL + S to save theme in theme manager
Allow loading by network name from irc:// links
Allow right click titlebar of undocked window to roll it down/up
Allow tabcomplete nicks based on channel prefix
Allow filtering combobox with multiple characters
Allow more keys to be used for global schortcut show/hide
Fixed all tool forms should be shown on the mainform and ctrl + d shortcut for toggle "show on desktop"
Fixed get favicon doesn't work on some network with a valid icon
Fixed server favicons should be reset when connecting a new network
Fixed Nicklist panel should not use global border size
Fixed webdings/wingdings fonts doesn't work properly
Fixed Quick connect dialog and server history menus should open in current server window, unless shift is pressed
Fixed dhange Rawlog/Script debugger dropdown to a listbox and sync open servers/scripts
Fixed editing a server in the Serverlist causes the network to move position
Fixed renaming a script in Script Editor with invalid characters causes a crash
Fixed undocked channel/server monitor should show unread message count in Treebar
Fixed alt + backspace is not undoing correctly when spellchecking is enabled
Fixed Script editor saving scripts should only trim newlines at the end
Fixed clicking the active window in the Switchbar when mainwindow is not active should not hide the window
Fixed Script editor recent files menu is not working properly
Fixed custom window icon is not properly removed when closed
Fixed translations detection is not working properly for some languages
Fixed Toolbar right separator should always be visible
Fixed Script editor "check brackets" should only trim whitespaces
Fixed Script editor menus does not restore focus to the text buffer
Fixed change Alt + A keybind for toggle "Always On Top" to Ctrl + Alt + A since it's too easy to accidentally hit
Fixed color/font tags in Tips message is stripped from some events
Fixed autojoin channels should try to fit into 512 bytes per join line
Fixed save/restore editbox history in server windows doesn't work
Fixed Home/End keys doesn't work in rawlog search box
Fixed track away status should only sync once on servers with away-notify enabled
Fixed track away status should be disabled on network without proper /who support
Fixed track away status requests too many channel updates
Fixed Monitor highlight buffer option doesn't work
Fixed Highlight alert should show network name, not host name
Fixed Switchbar font is not aligned properly in height
Fixed username and Fullname should be optional for connecting to a network
Fixed multiple highlight nicks in the same line is not always matched
Fixed show split long messages as one message instead of individual messages
Fixed AdiIRC with .NET 4.5 should use a .NET 4.5 version of Update.exe
Fixed confirmation dialogs is shown on top of the wrong window
Fixed Tabcomplete identifiers with comma doesn't work
Fixed Editbox history should be saved/restored without BOM
Fixed unloading multiple scripts from script editor should show a warning
Fixed selecting text in the script editor linenumbers doesn't work
Fixed Dcc folder "Open with" and "run command" should not run when the file is incomplete
Fixed Dcc transfer warning on quit shows wrong tranfer count
Fixed Quick connect servers should be populated from Serverlist and default Serverlist
Fixed leading/trailing t-_\"' characters matches from links should be excluded
Fixed iTunes now playing sometimes doesn't work after iTunes restarts
Fixed Dcc get complete text should show time and bytes per seconds
Fixed all open/save file dialogs should have a common filter list
Fixed Server Monitor is missing a space if dispaly network name is enabled
Fixed text is not line wrapped correctly when using a big left border and Nickcolumn enabled
Fixed Server Monitor uses wrong background color
Fixed /who results are not displayed correctly
Added ssend ssl support for /dcc
Added support for using $chr(4) as a trigger for rgb colors
Added new identifier $isadmin
Added new command /autoconnect, /oline, /icon, /inick, /fget
Added new parameter s for $strip
Added new parameter [network] for /tab
Added new parameter -b for /load /reload
Added new parameter -u for /dialog
Added new parameter -dN for /debug
Added new parameter -t for /rawlog
Added new parameter -r for /menubar /statusbar
Added new parameter -t [rgb] for /window
Added new parameter -t for /cline
Added new parameter -l for /tip
Added new parameters "right" "center" for /dialog "link"
Added new parameters -tscpnhoud for /dockpanels
Added new parameters on|off for /nickcolumn
Added new parameters -a -g for /debug
Added new property .isaway for $ial $ialchan
Added new property .cnick for $ialchan
Added new property .line for $group()
Added new property .icon for $dialog()
Added new properties .historyfile .iconfile .backgroundfile for $window
Added new property .rgbcolor for $cline $highlight
Added new identifiers $inick, $scripts, $calias, $nickcolumn
Added new/missing properties .ignore/.notify/.abook for $cnick
Added missing properties .ansync .fontcs for $window
Added missing properties .inwho .banlist .ibl .iel .iil for $chan
Added missing parameters .sport .saddr for $sock
Added missing parameter -1 for $get $send
Added missing parameters -e -c for /drawrect
Added missing parameter sN for /load /reload
Added missing parameters -aoynrvgbiqwhdsukNm and missing identifiers $ok, $yes, $no, $cancel, $timeout for $input
Added missing parameters -r -c -m -i -e -b -w -h -kN for /toolbar
Added missing parameters -h -m -i for /draw*
Added missing parameter -t for /did
Added missing parameter -n for /quote /raw /rawx
Added missing parameters -c -d for /drawtext
Added missing parameter -s for /drawfill
Added missing properties .ftype .alias and parameter [N] for $isalias
Added missing property .version for $file
Added missing property .mute for $vol
Added missing properties .fname, .pos, .length, .pause for $inmp3 $inmidi $inwave
Added missing commands /saveini, /updatenl, /proxy, /cnick, /groups, /fsend
Added missing identifiers $regmlex, $unsafe
Added missing operator "isnotify"
Added missing parameter &bvar for $com
Added missing &binvar parameter for $hget
Added missing parameters "autovs" "autohs" for "edit" control /dialog
Added missing option "disable" for /dialog
Added missing events on MIDIEND/on WAVEEND/on SONGEND
Fixed /debug allow -i parameter with -s for filtering
Fixed /ignore when the server is disconnected should add the ignore as a global ignore
Fixed on CLOSE should trigger after the window is closed
Fixed /options /config allow both section and search text to be specified
Fixed $sysdir should return trailing path separator
Fixed $windowtitle is not working properly
Fixed $mouse.x $mouse.y sometimes returns wrong values for desktop windows
Fixed Editbox should evaluate "//text" to "/text" not "text"
Fixed $file().longfn should return full path
Fixed line number is sometimes wrong in script errors
Fixed /drawdot is not drawing correctly with some sizes
Fixed /drawfill is not always filling correctly
Fixed /viewlog should focus the log window if the log window is already open
Fixed /write /bwrite /fwrite etc should not trigger file monitor if /reload is used during the script
Fixed new colorchar hex values should be validated before stripped
Fixed $n-$n2 is not validated correctly
Fixed /hadd is not trimming text properly
Fixed $gettok with invalid parameters returns wrong value
Fixed /draw* allow rrr,ggg,bbb format for colors and should be drawn using GDI
Fixed /dialog scroll item is not working properly
Fixed /drawtext should use transparent background when no background is specified
Fixed /drawcopy w2 h2 parameters can be negative for mirror effect
Fixed $finddir $findfile some event variables are not available for the command parameter
Fixed $onpoly sometimes crashes and returns wrong value
Fixed $sock(,N) is not working properly
Fixed /sockudp -k sometimes closes too early and doesn't work without remote ip
Fixed /drawcopy -t doesn't work properly
Fixed /did -l -s sometimes causes a crash
Fixed $compress/$decompress with &bvar doesn't work
Fixed /bcopy -z is not working properly
Fixed /join with no parameters should rejoin current channel
Fixed allow /aline /dline /iline /rline to be used with any window
Fixed /dialog "ok" "cancel" buttons should not close dialogs when the "sclick" event is halted
Fixed /ctcp should split on long messages
Fixed /server sometimes fails to connect to the new server
Fixed #groups inside /* */ comments are not ignored properly
Fixed /toolbar expand connect button to separate Connect/Connecting/Disconnect buttons
Fixed [color] parameter is not validated correctly in all commands
Fixed /dcc send allow multiple filenames and add /dcc send/chat ask for nick
Fixed [prefix]#chan messages should be displayed differently
Fixed /toolbar -d is not validated properly
Fixed /alias allow delete and replace multiline aliases
Fixed $alias(file) returns wrong value
Fixed $read(,s) does not always match the pattern correctly
Fixed /did -a on "box" control should replace the text instad of append
Fixed $dialog() sometimes causes a crash
Fixed $* does not work properly when used multiple times
Fixed $rawbytes should be in pre decoded bytes
Fixed /showadiirc /showmirc -n should not follow tray options
Fixed /showadiirc /showmirc -r -x should not restore main window when lock is enabled
Fixed allow /debug -t parameter to work for the script debugger
Fixed $sfile $msfile should preselect the filetype
Fixed /dialog "link" control is sometimes not drawn correctly
Fixed /dialog "list" control height is wrong
Fixed /dialog some controls does not draw unicode characters correctly
Fixed /if /elseif /while $iif sometimes strips of whitespaces
Fixed /goto doesn't work properly when used as the last line
Fixed /enable /disable should update the script
Fixed /echo -sa doesn't work at the same time
Fixed /echo -e should log the separator(s) to the log file
Fixed /dialog add missing parameter "push" for the "check" control
Fixed /aline [c] parameter is not validated correctly
Fixed /did "id" is not validated correctly
Fixed $did() should return filename for "icon" items
Fixed $regml result should be globally available
Fixed /font -z doesn't work without window parameter
Fixed /dialog "mouse" event is not triggered for the form itself
Fixed /help with no parameters should open support page and F1 key should trigger /help
Fixed $N is not always evaluated correctly
Fixed /sockrename does not properly rename the socket
Fixed /sockread -n &binvar should remove the $crlf
Fixed /did triggers on dialog:edit: event
Fixed /remove should show an error if it fails to remove a file
Fixed overloaded aliases with groups do not work properly
Fixed $& | is not parsed correctly
Fixed $?N should try to use the Nth token as the result text
Fixed $did().sel doesn't work for "edit" items
Fixed /dialog edit event does not always trigger
Fixed /set -u0 should unset the variable after the script is finished
Fixed /loadbuf -n doesn't work for some log options
Fixed /did -o doesn't work for menu items
Fixed $portfree is not working properly and missing ipaddress parameter
Fixed /did -r and -a doesn't work for tab pages
Fixed /did -u doesn't work with listbox
Fixed $chan should follow switchbar order
Fixed /load -u -v should use the new file specified
Fixed /drawsave should save only the original window size area
Fixed /loadbuf doesn't work with some types of windows
Fixed /write first $crlf should be stripped
Fixed $binvar allow one parameter to test for &binvar exists
Fixed /writeini is not validated correctly
Fixed /timer -i doesn't work
Fixed /timer timers should be removed when the associated server is disconnected/removed
Fixed /lock doesn't focus the main window on unlock
Fixed lowercased NOTICE/PRIVMSG etc doesn't work
Fixed /download remove "close" parameter and add -c instead
Fixed /describe is not validated properly
Fixed /sockopen invalid port parameter should show a error message
Fixed /google doesn't work after google removed search api
Fixed /cline is not working properly with nick as parameter
Fixed $1- should return current selected nicks in nicklist when using F keys aliases
Fixed $crlf should be stripped from menus
Fixed /dockpanels on|off is not working properly
Fixed $ignore(mask) returns wrong value and network is ignored
Fixed /hinc /hdec doesn't work with large numbers
Fixed isignore operator doesn't work properly
Fixed on EVENT with a missing colon doesn't work
Fixed /writeini section parameter can have spaces when surrounded by quotes
Fixed $get().secs $send().secs should be rounded
Fixed $findfile $finddir should return full path instead of relative paths
Fixed $window().title returns wrong value
Fixed /copy is not working correctly with wildcards
Fixed $abook returns wrong value
Fixed /window sometimes creates duplicate windows
Fixed $+ ignores spaces
Fixed /dialog readonly "edit" items should select/deselect text when getting/losing focus
Fixed /dialog -r should center main window not screen