AdiIRC 3.3 - 01-02-2019
Added option to search only specific window names in the Find Text dialog
Added preview of logging path/filename/timestamp options
Added option to trim large log files
Added the 16-99 colors to the select color dialog
Added option to enable/disable cycling search results for single file searches in Script Editor
Added control codes support for $tip titles
Added "Away" option for Nick colors/nick icons
Added right-click menu to set different spellcheck language per channel/window
Added save/restore last discovered external ip/host in the config file
Added new customizeable shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+T to re open closed channel/private windows per network
Added support for rotated inline images
Added "Replaced Items" count when using Replace or Replace All in the Script Editor Searchbox
Added search/replace history dropdown in Script Editor Search box
Added right click "Check Brackets" item on Scripts Editor
Added sound folders options
Added bubble-babble for the sha2 hash in the Server Certificate dialog
Added option to Indent Format scripts/aliases/menus on exit
Added new shortcut ALT + J to open Favorites
Added "View" menu in Script Editor and ALT + 1-9 shortcuts
Added save and restore vertical/horizontal scrollbar and cursor positions for all scripts/aliases/menus/other editors
Added the scroll Editbox history and scroll one message line shortcuts to Options -> Shortcuts
Added "Options" menu item to Menubar -> "Tools"
Added support for LINELEN
Added SHIFT + select text to use a rectangle selection
Added Editbox right-click menu to see/clear history
Added option to show a line marker icon when the unread line marker is not in view
Added option to always rejoin auto channel on reconnect
Added locked/pinned right-click menus to the Monitor Panel Tab Control
Added option to use Windows Toast Notifications instead of Tips
Added help button to the Quick Connect Dialog and bring the interface in line with other dialogs
Added new Treebar/Switchbar right-click menu item "Part" when "Keep open on part" is enabled
Fixed Monitor Panel header tooltips is not working
Fixed interacting with iTunes (Play/Pause etc) can cause a crash in some cases
Fixed tray icon right-click menu should be disabled when AdiIRC is locked
Fixed pressing the CTRL key just before releasing mouse should select control codes as well
Fixed color 99 should be transparent
Fixed ":" is not stripped from some raw events on some networks
Fixed internal dialogs which are too large to fit should be resized
Fixed searching very long text in the text area selects the wrong characters
Fixed clicking a link menu item in the Logviewer removes focus
Fixed changing the search text in the Script Editor search box should reset the error color
Fixed Favorites dialog should be resizeable
Fixed some window icons can cause a crash
Fixed "Check brackets" in Script Editor should exclude brackets inside comments
Fixed some DCC file transfers are locked and cannot be read/viewed while transfering
Fixed proxy password box should be masked
Fixed clicking the picture area in a picwin should activate the window
Fixed RAW 308, 309 is not displayed correctly
Fixed links/urls with domains using the "_" characters is not validated correctly
Fixed Channel Editor topic preview doesn't show emojis
Fixed paths starting with "\" should be relative to the system drive
Fixed ignoring highlights with match text doesn't work properly
Fixed some extremely long lines may not be visible in the text area
Fixed the .NET 2.0 version crashes on startup on Windows XP
Fixed disabling sounds should disable /beep /splay and Notify online/offline sounds
Fixed temporary mute sounds should mute all sounds including /beep /splay highlights and notify online/offline
Fixed messages with @account message tags are silently ignored
Fixed adding new network in the Serverlist should add network name when the dropdown closes
Fixed Edit Scripts/Aliases/Other files should have a trailing newline
Fixed font weight in select Nicklist font dialog should be disabled
Fixed $myhost $myident variables are empty in some cases
Fixed Script/Alias Editor new file/script should use default folder and extension as the current file
Fixed invalid Treebar icons can cause a crash
Fixed "Check brackets" in Script Editor should retain scrollbar position
Fixed the right to left special character should be ignored in the message area
Fixed ALT + TAB from/to AdiIRC does not restore Options dialog focus on some systems
Fixed own nick is sometimes shown twice in the Nicklist
Fixed Channel Editor does not take multibyte characters into account when enforcing topic max length
Fixed highlight/Selecting inline images causes them to be drawn blurry
Fixed desktop windows are sometimes restored in the wrong location after minimize
Fixed drawing Nicklist during a channel rejoin can cause a crash
Fixed some issues with the Nickcolumn being incorrectly resized
Fixed Inline Image downloads should use a fake browser agent
Fixed pinned Monitor Panels are sometimes closed too early
Fixed Channel Editor autocomplete topic interferes with changing casing
Fixed periodical Media Player detection can cause user interface lag
Fixed changing Opacity can cause a crash on some systems
Fixed Some invalid regular expressions can cause a crash
Fixed use small unread line marker is shown in the wrong position in some cases
Fixed changelog is not html decoded in update dialog
Fixed channel windows should close on single click when "Keep open on part" is enabled
Fixed PART/QUIT does not update the Statusbar user count in the active window
Fixed changing Monitor Panels font can cause a crash in some rare cases
Fixed Treebar scrollbar is in wrong location after closing a window
Fixed caps ls/new/deleted messages are not shown correctly
Changed Script Editor "Replace" button to perform a search after a match replace
Removed windows username as the default Username and Fullname
Removed #adiirc as the default channel from Quick Connect
Show the default shortcut in the right-click menu for Options -> Shortcuts
Allow query strings without leading "/" character in ts3server:// links
Removed custom SHIFT + HOME shortcut from script editor since it's not working properly
Changed Script Editor toggle script list shortcut to CTRL + SHIFT + R
Changed all build dates in both AdiIRC and the website to UTC format and include "UTC" to indicate the time zone
Enabled "Use alternative text rendering" by default for better compatibility
Renamed Options -> Fonts to Fonts & Size to avoid confusions
Removed default first row selection in Monitor Panels since it can be distracting
Reverted "Notices should be shown in the associated window if it's open" to show in active/server window
Added missing property .sound2 for $notify()
Added reverse color support for $tip, TopicBox, Channel Editor
Added reverse/background color support for /drawtext
Added missing parameter -i for /drawpic
Added missing parameter -P for /timer
Added missing parameter mN for $compress/$decompress
Added new properties .sword .nsword .slong .nslong .uint64 .nuint64 .sint64 .nsint64 for $bvar()
Added missing parameters -qN -bN for /drawsave
Added missing parameters -b -B for /hsave /hload
Added new parameter -d for /menubar
Added new properties .x .y .w .h .dx .dy for $menubar, $toolbar, $statusbar
Added missing properties .word .nword .long .nlong for $bvar()
Added missing parameters -rN -oN for /debug
Added new parameter -B for /set /var /inc /dec
Added missing parameters -p -i for /set /var
Added missing operator calc "&" for /set /var
Added new parameter -H for /filter
Added dummy /ial command
Added missing parameters -lnh for /abook
Added new/missing commands /sendkeys,/ialfill
Added missing option "multi" for the "button" item for /dialog
Added missing parameter "master" for $vol()
Added missing parameter -v for /vol
Added new property .away for $cnick() $inick()
Added new parameter -w for /cnick /inick
Added missing parameter -c for /drawrot
Added new property .ms for $timer()
Added missing properties .vbr .id3 .tag .tags .crc for $mp3/$sound
Added new parameter 'x' for $encode/$decode
Added missing parameter -a for /sockwrite
Added missing parameters -l -g for /unset
Added missing parameter -g for /set
Added missing parameter -aN for /load /reload
Added missing N parameter for $encode
Added missing parameter -z for /filter
Added support for Windows LTSB/IoT/Mobile/Pro Workstation for $osinfo
Added new -d parameter to allow searching duckduckgo for /google
Added $chr(4)/rgb color support to the listbox for /window
Added new property .hex for $ocolor
Added missing parameter "precision" for $base
Added missing /! Editbox command which should restore the previous line
Added missing parameters u and %var|&binvar for $cb()
Added missing parameters -a -c for /bwrite
Added new/missing identifiers $rands,$hregex,$regerrstr,$fromeditbox,$intersect,$totp,$hotp,$dccignore,$maxlens,$maxlenm,$maxlenl,$wrap,$sound,$mp3dir,$mididir,$wavedir,$iswine,$calcint,$sslcertremotesha1,$sslcertremotesha256
Added new parameter -k for /part
Disabled $encrypt since it's not seecure/accurate enough
Extended $xor $and $or $base to work on bigger numbers
Fixed /draw* commands are slow
Fixed $asctime(z zz zzz) returns wrong value for some timezones
Fixed $hfind() command parameter errors should halt the script
Fixed $file().mtime returns wrong value
Fixed $keyrpt returns wrong value in some cases
Fixed $rgb should ignore decimals
Fixed on DISCONNECT $nick shouldn't be $null
Fixed /toolbar some @custom windows as image is not working properly
Fixed /timer should halt scripts on some parameter errors
Fixed /drawtext parameters is not validated correctly
Fixed $read() first line as line count is not working properly
Fixed $read() N parameter should not be line number unless s r w is defined
Fixed $read() regular search should be case insensitive
Fixed /zip -u should ignore files with drive paths and relative paths
Fixed $zip().src .dest is swapped when unzipping
Fixed /window -f should exclude editbox height
Fixed /window some invalid window names does not show a error
Fixed /drawtext should use the window font when no font is specified
Fixed /drawpic doesn't work with transparent images
Fixed /tab can cause a crash with some parameters
Fixed $findfile/$finddir commands starting with a identifier doesn't work
Fixed single line comments inside/outside brackets are not always parsed correctly
Fixed $bvar has a trailing space
Fixed /returnex is not working properly
Fixed /clear does not update picwin in real time
Fixed $keyval returns wrong value when caps lock is on
Fixed /draw* doesn't work properly with decimals
Fixed text trailing $feof $ferr should be allowed
Fixed $encode(,u) should not have trailing new line
Fixed /alias is not adding/updating correctly when using custom/multiple alias files
Fixed on INPUT should not trigger on empty lines
Fixed /sockread N doesn't work if N is a %variable
Fixed /hsave -in is not working properly
Fixed /timer -h should use native multimedia timer
Fixed /if /while /elseif add missing operator "isvo"
Fixed /hadd, $hget is not working properly with binary data
Fixed /channels -d doesn't work
Fixed nested comment blocks doesn't work
Fixed regular expressions with the /F modifier doesn't work in all places
Fixed $regmlex() is not working properly in some cases
Fixed $regsubex \t and \0 returns wrong value when using the /g modifier
Fixed $scon should be in Switchbar/Treebar order
Fixed /debug and Rawlog control codes should not be parsed
Fixed /debug identifier parameter is not working properly
Fixed $read() is not decoding invalid character sequences properly
Fixed /dialog item "size" for "list" is not working properly
Fixed /play should retain double spaces
Fixed //$identifier //%var should be ignored in the Editbox
Fixed $scriptline should return 0 in the Editbox
Fixed /if /while /elseif some invalid expressions does not show an error message
Fixed /if /while /elseif operators in variables doesn't work
Fixed /if /while /elseif some trailing characters from identifiers are not removed
Fixed $duration can cause a crash and/or return wrong value with some parameters
Fixed CTRL + BREAK does not work in some scripting loops
Fixed /filter alias errors should halt the loop
Fixed $crc only works with ascii characters
Fixed /window -f is one pixel off
Fixed $hget returns wrong values in some cases
Fixed $dialog(name) should be available during dialog creation
Fixed script errors should show relative path to config folder
Fixed /dialog errors should show the origin line number
Fixed /dialog "icon" path is wrong in some cases
Fixed /$identifier doesn't work
Fixed $dialog(N) does not work for the last dialog
Fixed /window -t transparency color is not parsed correcly and should be changed to -A
Fixed on ACTIVE is not triggering properly in some cases
Fixed /window should ignore a second @window parameter before the font
Fixed script groups without on/off/end should be ignored
Fixed $rand $r should flip parameters based on min/max size
Fixed /window hidden desktop windows are briefly shown before being hidden
Fixed $window().type should return "picture" for picture windows
Fixed /window -o should restore the window without activation
Fixed /window reset font style when a font is specified
Fixed $window().font* returns wrong value for custom windows
Fixed /window /drawtext the fontsize parameter can have a negative value
Fixed /color does not update the background color in real time
Fixed /color with quoted parameters is not parsed correctly
Fixed /load /reload messages should be shown before on LOAD/START events
Fixed /dialog should have a default size
Fixed /drawrot -b color is always in rgb format
Fixed multiple "/" slashes is not evaluated correctly in the Editbox
Fixed $findfile/$finddir command parameter is not parsed correctly in some cases
Fixed $ctime should use current time if time is missing from the timestamp
Fixed $~ shouldn't execute aliases
Fixed /dialog should move the dialog to top/left corners if the dialog is too big
Fixed /timer wildcards is not working properly
Fixed /timer should ignore fractions
Fixed /timer with large parameters can cause a crash
Fixed $findfile/$finddir returns incorrect values with some parameters
Fixed $hget() item parameter is not validated correctly in some cases
Fixed $hget(,,&binvar) should replace the current binvar data
Fixed /clear "Status Window" doesn't work
Fixed /dialog -u/-uk is not selecting properly on the "list" item
Fixed /dialog "icon" item parameters are not evaluated correctly
Fixed on DIALOG "sclick" event is sometimes triggered incorrectly for the "list" item
Fixed /splay seek should retain pause status
Fixed /dialog should prioritize tables in other script files according to loaded script file order
Fixed /did -g can cause a crash
Fixed $inmidi $inwave $insong returns incorrect values in some cases
Fixed $inmidi.fname $inwave.fname can cause a crash
Fixed /vol mute is not carried over into the queue list
Fixed /vol range should be validated
Fixed $vol() returns incorrect value
Fixed on DIALOG init/active/close events should check against id parameter '0'
Fixed $did(,,0) should return the selected item for the "combo" item
Fixed /dialog "size" item does not work properly with invalid spacing
Fixed /filter -s doesn't work when used for output window
Fixed /splay -q is not working properly with different file types
Fixed /splay stop/skip with no player specified should stop/skip all players
Fixed $encode(,h) does not encode unicode characters properly
Fixed $1text should only extract the text after the last number
Fixed $dll $dllcall should add .dll file extension if extension is missing
Fixed $tan $tanh $sinh $sin $atan $atan2 $asin $acos $cos $cosh $log $log10 $sqrt can return incorrect value in some cases
Fixed $1text should return $null if $1 is $null
Fixed $round is not rounding correctly in some cases
Fixed $findfile/$finddir should not return consecutive spaces in filenames
Fixed $onpoly can cause a crash with some parameters
Fixed /server -m ipv6 addres in [ ] brackets is not parsed correctly
Fixed /hadd crashes with some parameters
Fixed /drawline does not work properly with multiple and half coordinates
Fixed /var in the Editbox should show an error
Fixed /if /while /elseif $iif isletter operator can cause a crash
Fixed /exit -r /restart should ask to close
Fixed custom CTCP events is not triggered correctly in some cases
Fixed $feof and $fopen().eof returns incorrect value in some cases
Fixed $fread(,&binvar) returns incorrect result
Fixed Picture Windows bitmap is not resized in some cases
Fixed on CLOSE with the ^ prefix doesn't work
Fixed $did().cstate returns wrong value in some cases
Fixed /var /set arithmetic division returns incorrect result in some cases
Fixed /sockudp writing to multiple targets in the same scope doesn't work
Fixed $did returns incorrect value on "edit" items in some cases
Fixed identifiers/aliases should show an error if an &binvar doesn't exist
Fixed $decode(,m) does not work on some invalid inputs
Fixed $sha* $md5 $hmac should show an error if a file doesn't exist or cannot be opened
Fixed $base with decimals does not return correct values
Fixed $upper $lower returns wrong value in some cases
Fixed $shortfn() should add relative path
Fixed /if /while /elseif is not comparing properly for some numeric values
Fixed /filter -n is zero based instead of one based
Fixed /bset should show out of memory error instead of crashing
Fixed $encrypt/$decrypt crashs with empty password
Fixed $calc should return 0 when divided by zero
Fixed identifiers in $calc without spaces are not evaluated properly
Fixed /bcopy when N is -1, bytes should be copied to the end of the &binvar
Fixed $calc should stop processing when encountering a invalid character
Fixed aliases are sometimes not trimmed correctly
Fixed CTCP event should trigger for DCC requests
Fixed $scriptline returns wrong value in some cases for aliases
Fixed $address() returns incorrect value in some cases
Fixed files should never be written with UTF8 BOM header
Fixed $timer().delay .secs .reps returns incorrect value in some cases
Fixed $color should be limited to 99 colors
Fixed /editbox can cause a crash with some invalid parameters
Fixed $bvar(,0) should return 0 for invalid binvars
Fixed /bread does not work on locked files
Fixed $gmt $asctime $ctime $time $timezone $daylight returns incorrect results in some cases
Fixed $ord returns incorrect result in some cases
Fixed $ocolor with some invalid parameters can cause a crash
Fixed 0x prefix should be stripped from $base 16 input
Fixed $xor, $and, $or, $biton, $bitoff, $abs, $not returns incorrect result with some parameters
Fixed script errors in custom windows should be shown in the server window
Fixed /filter to a "outfile" should have a trailing newline
Fixed /filter "outfile" parameter is not parsed correctly in some cases
Fixed $base doesn't work with some very large numbers
Fixed $cb(-1) should return all lines
Fixed /google does not work after layout was changed
Fixed /bset -c can cause a crash
Fixed $bytes(,3).suf shows GB instead of TB
Fixed /breplace should replace the last uneven old value with previous new value
Fixed /if /else /elseif /while with double slashes doesn't work properly
Fixed /bwrite does not zero pad correctly with large positions
Fixed $sha256, $sha384, $sha512 returns wrong value when the N parameter is missing
Fixed spaces are sometimes incorrectly removed in scripts
Fixed /filer [infile] parameter doesn't work with quotes
Fixed /breplace is slow when replacing large binvars
Fixed $hfind is slow when using regex search on large values
Fixed /did -a should scroll to bottom for "edit" items
Fixed Dialogs are not always associated with a server window
Fixed /reload /load script changed monitor is not always cleared
Fixed /sockwrite should ignore closed connections
Fixed /bset -1 should append data to the end of the binvar
Fixed /tokenize doesn't work with an empty text parameter
Fixed $ip $host can cause a crash in some cases
Fixed /socklisten is not associated with a server window
Fixed /sockread buffer is too small when reading from SSL/TLS sockets
Fixed $file().mtime, $file().atime, $file().ctime should be in UTC time
Fixed /halt in the $findfile() $finddir() command should be ignored
Fixed $query().cid $chan().cid returns incorrect result
Fixed /drawcopy -t doesn't work properly
Fixed /timers are sometimes not resumed properly
Fixed $left/$right/$mid doesn't work with some invalid parameters
Fixed parentheses inside identifiers are not always properly checked for balance
Fixed /if /elseif /while $?="" with parentheses doesn't work properly